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Lactoferrin Nutrient Solution for pets

Lactoferrin Nutrient Solution for dogs and cats is a kind of pet supplements,it’s a nutrient solution that provides probiotics for…

Product Features

  • Composition:
  • Pharmacological action:
  • Shelf life: 2 years

Lactoferrin Nutrient Solution for dogs and cats is a kind of pet supplements,it’s a nutrient solution that provides probiotics for dogs.This product is health care product to help pets enhance body immunity, enhance pet immunity, reduce the frequency of illness, protect the intestine, prevent virus infection, high content, good absorption, good effect.It is a kind of the best probiotics for dogs,joint supplements for cats,best probiotic for pets.

Which dogs and cats need more lactoferrin supplementation:

1. Early Years (Newborn stage, Vacant weaning period)

2. Sickness stage (Disease onset, Recovery period)

3. After illness and sterilization (Recovery period, Replenish body nutrition)

4. During Pregnancy (Prenatal period, During breastfeeding)

5. Daily Health Care (Protection Period, Daily care)

Lactoferrin Nutrient Solution

Dosage and administration:

Take It With Food   Mix With Warm Water   Medicine Feeder Feeding   Snack Mix


Dosage(Aspirate 1 dropper full is 1 ml)

Less than 2kg






More than 10kg


Industry Exhibitions:

Cooperation Cases:

Certificate of Honor:

Certificate of Honor.png



Product Inquiry

If you have any questions or requirements about this product, please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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