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2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions for dogs is a kind of pet deworming drops and used to prevent and eliminate fleas in…

Product Features

  • Composition:
  • Indications:
  • Specifications:2.5ml: imidacloprid 250mg

Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions for dogs is a kind of pet deworming drops and used to prevent and eliminate fleas in dogs . They also kill the larvae around your pet when they come into contact with the treated animal.This product is the heart worm medicine for dogs, tapeworm treatment for dogs and best flea and tick drops for dogs.This product drops on the pet’s skin and spreads from the local area to the whole body of the animal.

Dosage & Administration:

Dog (kg bw)

Applicable product

Method of application 



Take one tube of this product, drop it between the shoulder blades.



Take one tube of this product, drop it between the shoulder blades.



Take one tube of this product, drop it between the shoulder blades.



Take one tube of this product, drop it on the back, from the shoulder to the base of the tail, bisect 3~4 points, and drop the product.



Take two tubes of this product, drop it on the back, from the shoulder to the base of the tail, and bisect 3~4 points drop the product.


1.Do not treat unweaned puppies or kittens of less than 8 weeks of age. Do not use in animals that are known to be hypersensitive to the active substance or any of the excipients.

2.This product is for topical use and should not be administered orally.

3.Do not apply an excessive amount of solution at any one spot that could cause some of the solution to run off the side of the pets.Apply only to undamaged skin and do not allow recently treated animals to groom each other.

4.Re-infestation from emergence of new fleas in the environment may continue to occur for six weeks or longer after treatment is initiated. More than one treatment may therefore be required, depending on the level of fleas in the environment. 

5.The product remains effective if the animal becomes wet, for example after swimming or exposure to heavy rain. However, in cases of frequent swimming or bathing re-treatment may become necessary, depending on the presence of fleas in the environment. In these cases do not treat more frequently than once weekly.In case of biting louse infestation, the dog should be re-examined 30 days after treatment as some animals may require a second treatment.

6.In rare cases of overdose or licking of treated fur, nervous system disorders (such as twitching, tremors, ataxia, mydriasis, miosis, lethargy) can occur. Poisoning following inadvertent oral uptake in animals is unlikely. In this event, treatment should be symptomatic under veterinary medical attention. There is no known specific antidote but administration of activated charcoal may be beneficial.

7.Care should be taken to avoid the contents of the pipette coming into contact with the eyes or mouth of the recipient animal and avoid contact of the product with the eyes or mouth.

8.Do not eat, drink or smoke during application. Wash hands thoroughly after use. Wash off any skin contamination with soap and water.People with known skin sensitivity may be particularly sensitive to this product. If the product gets into the eyes accidentally, the eyes should be thoroughly flushed with water. If skin or eye irritation persists, or the product is accidentally swallowed, obtain medical attention.

9.Keep treated pets away from materials such as leather, soft furnishings, plastics, etc until site of the application is completely dry as contact may damage these surfaces.

10.Do not expose children to this product: Do not store with food, beverage,s and animal feed

11.Unused drugs or waste packages are best placed in hazardous waste collection centers. If disposed of together with household waste, care should be taken to prevent the improper use of waste. This product can not be treated by sewage system.

2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions 2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions 2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

Production process:

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Parasites are ubiquitous

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2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

4.0ml For dogs Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

2.5ml for dog Imidacloprid Spot-on Solutions

Industry Exhibitions:

Cooperation Cases:

Certificate of Honor:

Certificate of Honor.png

Production environment:

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