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35cm For dogs Repellent collar

Repellent collar for dogs is a kind of pet deworming collar suitable for dog collars of essential oil, using plant…

Product Features

  • Specifications: 35cm
  • Storage: Store at room temperature and sealed.
  • Shelf life: 2 years

Repellent collar for dogs is a kind of pet deworming collar suitable for dog collars of essential oil, using plant essential oil formula, effective anti-mosquito, anti-flea, anti-mite, emitting odor to form a protective layer, away from mosquitoes. As a pet or community while playing in the park, there is always a mosquito bites. Choose this product to help pets repel mosquitoes, reduce worries, and play happily. It’s the mosquito repellent collar for dogs.Please choose the appropriate size according to the circumference of your pet’s neck.


Below is about the dog with the use of repellent collar:

Dog weight (kg)

Type of applicable product



Small dog



Medium dog



Large dog


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Industry Exhibitions:

Cooperation Cases:

Certificate of Honor:

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Production environment:

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Product Inquiry

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