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4.0 ml for dogs Permethrin and Imidacloprid Drops

Permethrin and Imidacloprid Drops for dogs is a kind of antibody ectoparasite drug and pet deworming drops,it’s the liquid dewormer…

Product Features

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Permethrin and Imidacloprid Drops for dogs is a kind of antibody ectoparasite drug and pet deworming drops,it’s the liquid dewormer for dogs effectively. Permethrin and Imidacloprid Drops is a type I pyrethroid insecticide for dogs, acaricide and repellent, mainly affecting the voltage-dependent sodium channel of vertebrates and invertebrates, delaying and prolonging the activation and inactivation of the channel, leading to parasitic Insects are highly excited until they die.


1. Pregnant and lactating bitches can also use this product.

2. Dogs using this product can still maintain the efficacy after bathing, swimming and raining.

3. This product is only for pet dogs, do not use it for puppies under the age of seven weeks.

4. Avoid dogs eating this product by mistake due to licking their bodies.

5. Do not use on cats.

6. Keep out of reach of children.

7. If a person eats this product by mistake, do not induce vomiting immediately, and seek medical attention immediately. If the skin or hair comes into contact with this product, take off the contaminated clothing immediately, and rinse the skin and hair with running water. If this product accidentally splashes into the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of running water.

8. This product is harmful if inhaled, do not inhale the steam.

9. This product is flammable, do not use or store this product at high temperature or open flame.

10. Do not freeze.

11. After using this product, hands should be washed.

12. This product has long-term persistent toxicity to aquatic animals. Do not put this product into water. This product has an impact on the soil form. The unused product or the used packaging material should be wrapped in paper and put into the trash can. Do not throw it away casually.

Withdrawal period:No need to formulate.

Specification:4.0ml: Permethrin 2g+ Imidacloprid 0.4g

4.0 ml for dogs Permethrin and Imidacloprid Drops4.0 ml for dogs Permethrin and Imidacloprid Drops

Production process:

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Parasites are ubiquitous

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Industry Exhibitions:

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Production environment:

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Certificate of Honor:

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