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Glutaral and Deciquam Solution for pets

Glutaral and Deciquam Solution for dogs and cats is a safe Disinfectant, odor removing indoors, can effectively Remove pet odor,…

Product Features

  • Ingredient:Glutaral and Deciquam
  • Appearance:Colorless to light yellow clear liquid with pungent odor
  • Indications:Disinfectant. Used in farms, public places, Prepare equipment and eggs for disinfection.
  • Storage:Sealed and kept in a cool and dark place.
  • Shelf life:2 years

Glutaral and Deciquam Solution for dogs and cats is a safe Disinfectant, odor removing indoors, can effectively Remove pet odor, antivirus bacteria elimination effect to the kennel, is accurate in killing bacteria, and health care for people and pets.It’s the safe pet disinfectant,dog safe disinfectant,dog friendly disinfectant.


Disinfectant. Used in farms, and public places, Prepare equipment and eggs for disinfection.

Pharmacological effects: Glutaraldehyde is an aldehyde disinfectant that can kill bacterial propagules and spores, fungi, and viruses. Decylmonium bromide is a double long-chain cationic surfactant. Its quaternary ammonium cations can actively attract negatively charged bacteria and viruses and cover their surfaces, hindering bacterial metabolism, causing changes in membrane permeability, and making it easier for glutaraldehyde to enter Destroy protein and enzyme activity inside bacteria and viruses to achieve rapid and efficient disinfection

Dosage & Administration:

Based on this product. A certain proportion of water before use dilution. Spraying: routine environmental disinfection, 1: (2000~4000) Dilute; disinfect the environment when the disease occurs, 1: (500~1000). Immersion: disinfection of instruments, equipment, etc., 1: (1500~3000).

Glutaral and Deciquam Solution for pets

Side effects:

Use according to the prescribed usage and dosage has not seen a bad reaction.


Do not mix with anionic surfactants.


100ml: 5g + 5g 

Industry Exhibitions:

Cooperation Cases:

Production environment:

Production environment.jpg

Certificate of Honor:

Certificate of Honor.png



Product Inquiry

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